
Holistic health & wellness solutions

to live your best life

At This Wellness Life, we are passionate about helping you live your best life possible. We practice a holistic approach and focus on key pillars of health and wellbeing including mindset, movement, nourishment, rest and recovery. We provide coaching, education, mentoring, resources and tools to help you keep stress at bay, move your body every day, eat to thrive, get restful sleep and live your most awesome, purpose-filled life.


Hi there!

I’m Marianne Zander.

I’m a holistic health and wellness coach, with a background in personal training and vegan nutrition, and I love helping people transform their lives when they choose to make wellness a priority.

A California girl living in Australia, communications expert by trade, animal lover and enthusiastic dream chaser, I’m happiest near the beach sharing words of wellness with the world.


Start your journey

Are you ready to make a shift? We offer classes, workshops, small group sessions and one-on-one consults that are customised to meet individual needs.

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This Wellness Life business card and bowl of fresh lemons

Join our team

Do you want to earn residual income? Join our growing tribe of wellness advocates and reap the benefits of health and financial wellbeing (or as we like to say, wellth).

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almonds, dates, coconut and bowl of cacao powder

Learn to thrive

Is wellness on your agenda? Learn simple hacks, swaps, tips and tricks to incorporate wellness into your daily practice and help you not only live, but thrive.

Read Our Blog »




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Health is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being.
— J Stanford