New short courses available

One of the highlights of this year for me has most certainly been working alongside the amazing team at Endeavour College of Natural Health as part of their new Short Courses launch. I was honoured to be selected as a subject matter expert in the field of natural health and contribute to course content for not one, not two, but three new course offerings!

Bond with your girl squad: recharging as an introvert

Unless you know me well, you probably wouldn’t pick up that I am an introvert. I’m social, I talk a lot and I love a good time out with friends. But when it comes time to recharge, regroup and reset, I typically prefer to do it alone (well, not entirely alone, as it usually involves a lap full of cats). But I learned to trigger feel-good hormones and counter stress in a whole new way.

Vegan black bean brownies

These brownies are not a traditional cake-like consistency; they’re much denser (almost like fudge). This is a good thing in my opinion because they fill you up so you don’t eat as many of them! Not only that, but they’re high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fibre and protein, they’re refined sugar-free and they’re packed with all sorts of natural goodness to offer a long list of health benefits!

Six health benefits of mushrooms

Mushrooms are a non-negotiable staple in my life. I’m not necessarily talking about the magical kind here, but rather the myriad varieties available for consumption in all different forms. Not only are they jammed with healthy vitamins, minerals and nutrients, they are super diverse, delicious and widely praised for their extensive health benefits. I could go on and on about all things mushroom, but instead I’ll focus on a simple six. Read on and get 10% off some of my favourite mushroom products!

Essential oils: more than just a pretty smell

Mention essential oils and see what sort of response you get. Some people hear the words and immediately conjure up thoughts of woo woo hippies and snake oil. Others nod their heads knowingly and smile with appreciation for all that essential oils offer. No matter what camp you may fall into, it’s helpful to understand what essentials oils are and how to use them safely and effectively. Be sure to check out my article featured on The Women’s Pic or contact me to learn more!

Vegan choc mint bites

I am always looking for snack recipes that are simple to make, delicious to eat and nourishing for my body. These choc mint bites are one of my favourite go-to snack treats, as they contain fibre-rich dates, omega-friendly nuts, satiating protein and just the right amount of sweetness to satisfy my cravings. My friends at The Women’s Pic love them too – so much, in fact, that they featured my recipe on their website! Check it out and let me know what you think!

Vegan pumpkin protein muffins

These vegan pumpkin protein muffins are delicious and super easy to make! They're protein rich, free from refined sugar and packed with immune-boosting vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They make a great go-to snack and will help keep hunger at bay without filling you up with highly-processed, empty calories. I’ve tried this recipe with self-raising flour, spelt flour and almond meal flour. Each behaves a bit differently and may affect muffin density. Feel free to play around with this based on what you have in your cupboard, but also based on any dietary restrictions you may have.

10 benefits of diffusing essential oils

If you visit my home, you’ll notice several ultrasonic diffusers throughout the house. We have one in the lounge area, one in my office and one in each bedroom. What you won’t see are candles, plug-in room deodorisers or cans of aerosol air fresheners. You’d even be hard pressed to find a single candle in our home. It’s not because we don’t like our home to smell nice. But commercial air fresheners are laden with harmful chemicals including phthalates, which are known endocrine (hormone) disruptors. Yet, less than ten percent of air freshener ingredients are typically disclosed to the public.

My holistic approach to endometriosis

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. In fact, EndoMarch is an annual worldwide event to raise awareness and increase education about this debilitating condition. While many of this year's events have been postponed due to the current climate, I've opted to share my very personal journey with endo. I hope you find it encouraging and enlightening.

Vegan blueberry apple walnut muffins

The state of the world right now is pretty chaotic, wouldn’t you say? Rather than getting sucked into all the craziness, hype, scare tactics and hoarding, I’m just living life, but have taken a more low-key approach. I’m still fueling my body with healthy wholefoods, but rather than going to the shops or restaurants, I’m taking a more considered (and considerate) approach by using up what I’ve already got on hand. So while my love of cooking is lacking on the best of days, I’m rewarded knowing that I can go into the kitchen, find an ingredient and turn it into something tasty and nutrient-rich.

The cost of meat is heart-wrenching

If people ask, I’m happy to share my experiences and learnings, but I try not to be pushy or preachy. Some people hate labels and are very put off by the word “veganism”. For those, I use the term “plant-based”. Others find the idea of being vegan very limiting and say things like, “So, you can’t eat meat?” Let’s be clear: I can eat whatever I want. However I choose not to partake in animal products. It’s far less about restriction and much more about choice.

The road to wellness is outside your comfort zone

I never really thought of myself as the creative type until I started my own business. Once I stepped outside my comfort zone and got out of my own way, the opportunities opened right up. In fact, I was recently invited to join the amazing and talented team of like-minded professionals at This Women’s Pic as a regular contributor on their site. Here’s what they had to say about me!

All or something, not all or nothing

You have grand plans to start the New Year out with a bang: join a gym, sweat your eyeballs out at least six days a week, flog your body into submission to make up for all the shenanigans you experienced during the silly season, and then ultimately beat yourself up when you fall off the wagon. Sound familiar?