All tagged Healing

Essential oils: more than just a pretty smell

Mention essential oils and see what sort of response you get. Some people hear the words and immediately conjure up thoughts of woo woo hippies and snake oil. Others nod their heads knowingly and smile with appreciation for all that essential oils offer. No matter what camp you may fall into, it’s helpful to understand what essentials oils are and how to use them safely and effectively. Be sure to check out my article featured on The Women’s Pic or contact me to learn more!

The cost of meat is heart-wrenching

If people ask, I’m happy to share my experiences and learnings, but I try not to be pushy or preachy. Some people hate labels and are very put off by the word “veganism”. For those, I use the term “plant-based”. Others find the idea of being vegan very limiting and say things like, “So, you can’t eat meat?” Let’s be clear: I can eat whatever I want. However I choose not to partake in animal products. It’s far less about restriction and much more about choice.

The road to wellness is outside your comfort zone

I never really thought of myself as the creative type until I started my own business. Once I stepped outside my comfort zone and got out of my own way, the opportunities opened right up. In fact, I was recently invited to join the amazing and talented team of like-minded professionals at This Women’s Pic as a regular contributor on their site. Here’s what they had to say about me!