All tagged Exercise

The cost of meat is heart-wrenching

If people ask, I’m happy to share my experiences and learnings, but I try not to be pushy or preachy. Some people hate labels and are very put off by the word “veganism”. For those, I use the term “plant-based”. Others find the idea of being vegan very limiting and say things like, “So, you can’t eat meat?” Let’s be clear: I can eat whatever I want. However I choose not to partake in animal products. It’s far less about restriction and much more about choice.

All or something, not all or nothing

You have grand plans to start the New Year out with a bang: join a gym, sweat your eyeballs out at least six days a week, flog your body into submission to make up for all the shenanigans you experienced during the silly season, and then ultimately beat yourself up when you fall off the wagon. Sound familiar?