All or something, not all or nothing

All or something, not all or nothing

Tell me if anyone else can relate… You have grand plans to start the New Year out with a bang: join a gym (or if you already have a membership, actually go to the gym), sweat your eyeballs out at least six days a week, flog your body into submission to make up for all the shenanigans you experienced during the silly season, and then ultimately beat yourself up when you fall off the wagon. Sound familiar?

Let me tell you friend, you’re not alone. I used to work in gyms. Notoriously, we’d see a massive spike in new memberships at the start of the year. People would be lined up to get on a piece of cardio equipment, classes were so packed that people were literally sweating on each other, and the weight room smelled less-than-fresh. But fast forward two, three or maybe even four weeks down the track and we were typically back down to our tried and true regulars, with maybe a handful of new members left.

Was it because newbies didn’t feel welcomed? No. Gyms are all about retention management (as in, they employ actual Retention Managers to keep numbers high).

Was it because they felt intimidated? Perhaps. I can only speak from experience, but depending on the gym, most offer a thorough induction, demonstrate how to use the equipment safely and effectively, and may even offer a free personal training session to help get the party started.

So why the big drop off? Most likely, it’s due to unrealistic goals. Many of us set the bar so high for ourselves, we’re doomed to fail. Then, when we can’t dedicate two hours to a sweat session, or when it starts to hurt, or when we injure ourselves or when it all gets too hard or when life gets in the way, we opt not to train at all. This is one of the easiest things to rectify, people. Am I suggesting that you not set big goals? Heck no! I’m all about goal setting and going big! But I’m also about setting realistic and achievable goals (ever heard of S.M.A.R.T. goals: Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Bound?).

I am a firm believer that you get out what you put in. I also believe that if you want things you’ve never had, you must do things you’ve never done (I cannot take credit for this rad quote). However, I also know what it’s like to put everything (and I mean everything) on the back burner so as not to miss a training session. I can tell you, this is not healthy either. It’s not sustainable and it’s not what living a wellness life is all about.

Somewhere in the middle is where we strike the balance. Yes, there are times for the “go big or go home” mentality. There are also times when all or something is better than all or nothing. Feel me? Saturday Sweat Sessions are meant to be short, effective, no-hassle (they can be done anywhere and don’t require any equipment) and results-driven. Seriously, what could be better than that?

Be sure to follow This Wellness Life on Facebook and Instagram for regular Saturday Sweat Sesh posts that are bound to get your heart pumping and your endorphins going.

Got a great no-fuss workout you want to share? Email and we’ll be sure to share the most sweat-worthy sessions!


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