All tagged Workshops

Bond with your girl squad: recharging as an introvert

Unless you know me well, you probably wouldn’t pick up that I am an introvert. I’m social, I talk a lot and I love a good time out with friends. But when it comes time to recharge, regroup and reset, I typically prefer to do it alone (well, not entirely alone, as it usually involves a lap full of cats). But I learned to trigger feel-good hormones and counter stress in a whole new way.

Essential oils: more than just a pretty smell

Mention essential oils and see what sort of response you get. Some people hear the words and immediately conjure up thoughts of woo woo hippies and snake oil. Others nod their heads knowingly and smile with appreciation for all that essential oils offer. No matter what camp you may fall into, it’s helpful to understand what essentials oils are and how to use them safely and effectively. Be sure to check out my article featured on The Women’s Pic or contact me to learn more!