Get your blood flowing with juice
I love a nice fresh juice and this one didn’t disappoint! Made with loads of fresh veg and a small bit of fruit just to add a bit of sweetness, this one definitely put a smile on my dial. It’s got carrot, apple, beetroot and ginger, and it’s divine! Seriously folks, this is pretty much the only way I’ll consume beetroot (or maybe roasted with a very hearty portion of balsamic to mask the earthy (which tastes more dirty to me) flavour. ;)
The best part about this delightfully bright beverage is that it’s loaded with all sorts of awesome vitamins and minerals and can actually assist your body in purifying and strengthening your blood, improving blood flow and nourishing your cells! How fab is that?
I normally go a bit light on the fruit, just so I don’t get a huge sugar hit. This time, I used one apple, one large carrot (or you can use two small-medium), a chuck of ginger and a nice-sized beetroot with the stem removed. Just remember to wash your produce really well before passing everything through your juicer so you don’t end up consuming any yucky gunk that might be lingering.
Do you have a favourite juice recipe? Email and let us know!